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Showing posts with the label IID For Entrepreneurs

Start Slipper Making Business With Easy Steps

With advanced technology, slippers are produced in many varieties, which include fancy chappals as well. Anybody can start Chappal or Slipper-making business . India is the second-largest global producer of footwear in the world. It is also becoming a fashion statement, apart from being a necessity.    Slippers are household consumer enduring items used by all. The slipper manufacturing business is effective in India because it can start on a small-scale or large scale. This lightweight footwear is produced from rubber, which makes it a long-lasting product.   Without being a mainstream trade, the slipper manufacturing business is easy to run. It is a profitable business that an entrepreneur can start. Few points should be kept in mind to start this business, like machines, market, demand, etc.   Raw Materials Required For Slipper Manufacturing   The raw material needed for slipper making is mainly the rubber sheet. The rubber sheet is of two typ...

Start Slipper Making Business With Easy Steps

With advanced technology, slippers are produced in many varieties, which include fancy chappals as well. Anybody can start Chappal or Slipper-making business . India is the second-largest global producer of footwear in the world. It is also becoming a fashion statement, apart from being a necessity.    Slippers are household consumer enduring items used by all. The slipper manufacturing business is effective in India because it can start on a small-scale or large scale. This lightweight footwear is produced from rubber, which makes it a long-lasting product.   Without being a mainstream trade, the slipper manufacturing business is easy to run. It is a profitable business that an entrepreneur can start. Few points should be kept in mind to start this business, like machines, market, demand, etc.   Raw Materials Required For Slipper Manufacturing   The raw material needed for slipper making is mainly the rubber sheet. The rubber sheet is of two typ...

Pickle Making Business - Learn The Art of Doing Business

Food is an integral part of our survival, and it is not just a basic necessity, but something that is always around us in our various kinds of moods. As much as an Indian love food, we also love eating pickles that make our meal packed with great tastes and nutrients. Pickles are a must during meals and one of the most important foods that people pack while traveling anywhere in the country or abroad. The Pickle-making business is one of the oldest businesses in India, which is owned by mostly our grandmothers and mothers.    If you also want to take pickle-making training  online, then you can become a member of IID and learn about this business. Apart from all the business, pickle or achar making business in India is a great idea to start one's entrepreneurial journey with. We often search for pickle-making consultancy near me, or pickle-making training near me to learn about this business, but IID conducts online workshops and professional episodes, which will hel...
Advantages of Starting Silk Reeling Business Reeling in the process of unwinding raw silk filament directly from the cocoon. Silk is the most expensive textile fiber and it is extruded by silkworms at the end of the larval period. It is a continuous filament released through a small opening under the jaws. There are different grades of raw silk according to the quality of the yarn. The silk industry is very versatile as it is a continuously demandable item. The scope for raw silk or silk products is very high, and most of its market is still unexplored.   Silk reeling comes under Sericulture, and it is the combination of agriculture and industry. Silk reeling is classified by the direct reeling method on a standard size reel, whereas the indirect method of reeling on small reels and then transferred onto standard size reels on a re-reeling machine.   There are various benefits of silk reeling business-like,   Job Opportunity   Silk reeling business n...
Benefits Of A Cold Storage Benefits of Cold Storage- IID Ever wondered that you can keep perishable food items healthy and fresh for a longer period and earn from them in the offseason. For keeping the food fresh, almost every business like florists, restaurants, hospitals, farmers, etc., uses cold storage to keep their products and goods safe during storage.   Everyone likes their food fresh, but do you know that almost all the food that we consume, from fruits to meat. Everything is first stored in cold storage and then dispatched out for consumption.   There are many benefits of cold storage for storing various perishable items like,   Increased Shelf Life Cold storage helps to keep the food safe for a longer period and keeps it from spoiling. Perishable food can be stored in cold storage for a long period and then can be used later according to the need.   Reduce Regular Cooking In this busy life, people often do not get the proper time to cook...

Explore The Horticulture Organic Farming Business

  The quality of food and the safety of food are the two most important factors that have gained the attention of the general consumer in India. Organic farming is a system that avoids the use of synthetically compounded fertilizers, livestock food additives, genetically modified organisms, growth regulators, and pesticides. It is an agricultural process that uses pest control acquired from plant or animal waste and biological fertilizers.   The Advantages of Organic Farming   Environment   Organic farming helps in protecting the environment as the products are free of chemicals and fertilizers. It improves physio-biological properties of soil consisting of more biomass, higher enzymes, organic matter, enhanced water percolation, wind erosion, better soil stability as compared to conventional farming soil.   Nutritional Values: The nutritional values of organic and conventionally grown foods have created an interest in both consumers...

Types of IID Membership Plans

  I nstitute for Industrial Development (IID) is a single-window solution for all types of Entrepreneurial Services. IID Membership is not only offered to the enterprises, individuals, or startups, but any supplier, expert, or institution can also avail the benefits of the membership to grow their business by signing up.  With the help of IID Membership , you can become a first-generation entrepreneur and an industry ready professional. IID Membership is prorated into four membership plans, which are divided for the benefit of our bonafide customers.  Types of IID Membership Plan Incubatee Membership Plan It is valid for 30 days for only one industry. You can take the incubatee membership plan if you want to take one-time services from us. Prototype Project Report Export/Supplier Information Plant and Machinery Quotation Executive Membership Plan It is valid for 365 days for only one sector. You can take executive membership for one-time or annual online services profess...

Know Everything About IID

Institute for Industrial Development (IID) implements various types of services to the bonafide members, and it is an incubator under MSME, Government of India. It provides a comprehensive industrial resolution in diversified business sectors along with professional's help.  IID membership renders the advantage of complete access to various services provisioned by us. These services are solely accessible to the members-only, to help them develop into successful entrepreneurs and be a part of the fullness of the Indian Economy. The membership program is designed keeping in mind to nourish entrepreneurs to flourish through the weak stages of business development.  The membership will contribute to focused support to the businesspeople and develop their concepts into market-ready products and by assisting them to form their business idea. It also imparts: Technical Industrial Knowledge Insights Into Detailed Project Report Facilitating the Necessary Fundraising Networking with S...