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Showing posts with the label Entrepreneurship

Start Slipper Making Business With Easy Steps

With advanced technology, slippers are produced in many varieties, which include fancy chappals as well. Anybody can start Chappal or Slipper-making business . India is the second-largest global producer of footwear in the world. It is also becoming a fashion statement, apart from being a necessity.    Slippers are household consumer enduring items used by all. The slipper manufacturing business is effective in India because it can start on a small-scale or large scale. This lightweight footwear is produced from rubber, which makes it a long-lasting product.   Without being a mainstream trade, the slipper manufacturing business is easy to run. It is a profitable business that an entrepreneur can start. Few points should be kept in mind to start this business, like machines, market, demand, etc.   Raw Materials Required For Slipper Manufacturing   The raw material needed for slipper making is mainly the rubber sheet. The rubber sheet is of two typ...
Advantages of Starting Silk Reeling Business Reeling in the process of unwinding raw silk filament directly from the cocoon. Silk is the most expensive textile fiber and it is extruded by silkworms at the end of the larval period. It is a continuous filament released through a small opening under the jaws. There are different grades of raw silk according to the quality of the yarn. The silk industry is very versatile as it is a continuously demandable item. The scope for raw silk or silk products is very high, and most of its market is still unexplored.   Silk reeling comes under Sericulture, and it is the combination of agriculture and industry. Silk reeling is classified by the direct reeling method on a standard size reel, whereas the indirect method of reeling on small reels and then transferred onto standard size reels on a re-reeling machine.   There are various benefits of silk reeling business-like,   Job Opportunity   Silk reeling business n...