With advanced technology, slippers are produced in many varieties, which include fancy chappals as well. Anybody can start Chappal or Slipper-making business . India is the second-largest global producer of footwear in the world. It is also becoming a fashion statement, apart from being a necessity. Slippers are household consumer enduring items used by all. The slipper manufacturing business is effective in India because it can start on a small-scale or large scale. This lightweight footwear is produced from rubber, which makes it a long-lasting product. Without being a mainstream trade, the slipper manufacturing business is easy to run. It is a profitable business that an entrepreneur can start. Few points should be kept in mind to start this business, like machines, market, demand, etc. Raw Materials Required For Slipper Manufacturing The raw material needed for slipper making is mainly the rubber sheet. The rubber sheet is of two typ...
The Government of India has recently released a notification ‘Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles - Guidelines and standards’. With this new announcement, the availability of adequate infrastructure is recognized as the key requirement for accelerated electric vehicle adoption in the nation. According to the new guidelines, an entity can set up public charging stations (PCS), provided the stations meet all the necessary technical performance standards. To understand better, ‘if you can start EV charging station business in India ’, it is essential for you to learn about its business model. EV Charging Station Business Model A plan enforced by a company to generate revenue and make a profit from its operations is known as a business model. The business model includes the components and functions of the business. It also consists of revenues generated and the expenses incurred from it. There can be several business models depending on the combinations possible...